Torah & Bible
In humans the events of the Torah and Bible are such that no one can reach the code, then the code is so that no one can get over the wall, but the method of survival is simply in a strange sound. The Torah and the Bible are not a book, it is a kind of fire that keeps changing in the form of words and alphabet but no mathematician will be able to understand it, it already gives information about the events to come.
But it tells all the things above the earth, it cannot tell the events happening inside the sea, it also tells the date of death. There is no method recorded in this book to bring the dead back to life. This Torah and Bible is for those who have been chosen by the mysterious fire, who are considered human but are not human. Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Jews are one people. The method of war between the chosen one and the slave is given by the mysterious fire.
Torah in the house
There is a code in the Torah, the secret of which the Jewish rabbis will never be able to discover, the meaning of that code is that the Torah should be kept separately on a high mountain top and people should stay away from it, but the Jews should keep it in the house. What will be the result?